Mindful Care orange dot Ongoing Care

Continued medication management for ongoing mental health care
Woman therapist

Join the thousands of people getting help and getting better with Mindful Care

Covered by insurance

Benefit card image

Affordable, convenient care

Flexible scheduling

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Virtual from any location in-state

Compassionate experts

Benefit card image

Board certified, licensed clinicians

Are you or a loved one living with a chronic mental health condition?

Woman therapist

Managing your mental health requires an approach as unique as you are

We will match you with one of our licensed mental health experts based on your location, personal preferences, and availability.

Long-term management and support for individuals living with ongoing mental health conditions can include:

Medication Management

Get expert guidance

Monitor progress, manage side effects, and make adjustments as needed.

Group Therapy

Connect with others

Clinician-led groups provide emotional support and shared coping strategies.

Care Coordination

Take support to the next level

We’ll help to navigate your health insurance and get you on the right path to success.

Frequently Asked Questions about TelePsychiatry

What is telemedicine for mental health?

Telehealth or telemedicine for mental health, often called teletherapy or telepsychiatry, is a way of providing mental health services remotely using technology. Appointments with licensed professionals can be done through video calls and phone calls, making it easier for you to access care from home. Skip the hassle of coming to the office and enjoy the convenience of working with an online psychiatrist or therapist. Telehealth can be a valuable resource for those who may not be able to access traditional in-person services due to geographic location or physical limitations. It’s also proved particularly useful during periods when in-person sessions are less feasible, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is the different between telepsychiatry, teletherapy, and telehealth?

Telepsychiatry and teletherapy are different terms for telehealth services, which are remote healthcare services provided via technology like video conferencing. At Mindful Care, our telehealth services include virtual psychiatric consultations, therapy sessions, group therapy, and medication management, providing comprehensive mental healthcare remotely.
Does Insurance Cover Virtual Visits?

Yes! During the COVID-19 pandemic, insurance providers expanded their coverage for virtual consultation and treatment. All Mindful Care treatment is eligible for insurance coverage. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, our business office can answer them prior to your appointment.
Does Medicare Cover Telehealth?

Mindful Care accepts most major Medicare plans. For more information or to find your psychiatry or therapy benefits, schedule an appointment. One of our business office members will contact you about your coverage or alternative payment arrangements.
How To Set Up for My Telehealth Appointment?

Setting up an appointment with Mindful Care is very easy. Once your appointment has been scheduled and confirmed, our team will contact you through e-mail with a private link that will allow you to connect to your clinician. On the day and time of your appointment, you can simply click on the provided link and you’re ready to go!
Can I Switch to in-Person Appointments?

As a patient at Mindful Care, you may have the option to attend an in-person appointment. Therapeutic services are virtual only. Let us know your preference, and we can match you with an in-person provider.

Our patients love what we do

Erin A.

Very easy to schedule and really outstanding practitioners who listen well, ask the right questions.

Connor C.

This place has been the single most positive interaction with the mental healthcare sphere that I have ever had in my life.

Michelle R.

Easy scheduling, always on time, super convenient. I'm a fan!

If you live in one of the following states, you can see your clinician in-person or virtually:

In case of a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.
The following resources provide free and confidential 24/7 support:
Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741
Trevor Lifeline Call 1-866-488-7386